Do you consider yourself a movie buff? Are you good at remembering popular quotes from famous films?
Come test your cinema IQ at Thrive Workplace’s Cherry Creek and Ballpark location where we have begun hosting a Movie Quote Game for members every Tuesday.
The Rules:
- Every Tuesday members will have five minutes — without technology — to guess the answer and only the Office Manager will have the answer.
- Anyone caught cheating will be immediately suspended and subject to review by TMQBD (Thrive Movie Quote Board of Directors)
- Quotes are ranked on a point system from 1-10 based on the quote’s difficulty.
- At the end of each month, we will tally up the scores of all participating members (from all four Tuesdays) and will celebrate their knowledge of movies with a to-be-determined prize.
Previous movie quotes include “You’re going to need a bigger boat,” and “Hey laser lips! Your mama was a snowblower.”
Congrats to Thrive’s October’s Movie Quote winner, Christopher Faulker!
If you think you have what it takes to win, or if you just want to come socialize and network with fellow members, join us every Tuesday at Thrive workplace for our Movie Quote Game day!